Report an issue
Please use this form to report an issue to the Parish Council, alternatively use the links below
The Highway and Rights of Way
Transport for Bucks is responsible for the maintenance of the roads, pavements and rights of way. Any issues should be reported to them via the Fix My Street website, You also have the option to put in your email address and request to receive updates relating to your report.
Environmental, including odours
Environment Agency incident hotline
Telephone: 0800 80 70 60
24-hour service
Environmental Health
Environmental health, climate change and ecology | Buckinghamshire Council
Buckinghamshire Council, 01296 585858
Street lighting
Faulty street lights in the village should be reported to the parish council by contacting the Parish Clerk by email or telephone 01296 630962
Dog Bins
These are provided by the Parish Council and emptied by Buckinghamshire Council. To report an issue with a dog bin, please take a note of the reference number on the bin and report
Street furniture
eg benches, noticeboards, bus shelters - please report any issues to the Parish Clerk by email or telephone 01296 630962
Illegally parked cars, Anti social behaviour:
Thames Valley Police
999 for emergencies (including ASB)
101 for non emergencies
Planning matters, including enforcement
Buckinghamshire Council, 01296 585858
Refuse collections
Buckinghamshire Council, 01296 585858
Water Leaks
Thames Water, Thames Water website
Community Safety Team
Anti-Social Behaviour Referral Form
Community Safety Referral Form
Crime Stoppers
0800 555 111
National Domestic Abuse Helpline
0808 2000 247
Modern Slavery Helpline
08000 121 700
Thames Valley Police
101 – Non-Emergency
999 – Emergency
Victims First
0300 1234 148